Product Details
Our flagship product the Suckie Scoop Plate is a baby plate like no other.
We have purposefully designed these plates to support your littles ones learning and development. They feature a concave internal wall 2.5cm high that specifically designed to help your little ones learn to scoop! The raised rounded edge caves inward and helps push food onto your little ones spoon rather than it being lost over the edge! Moulded plates like this have been used in disability care for years to assist those with limited dexterity to scoop up food so we have recreated the idea for babies who also have limited dexterity.
These plates also feature our super strong suckie® suction base which is unlike any other design on the market. The suckie® cup is imbedded into the base of the plate and mostly hidden once the plate is suctioned to the table to avoid baby releasing the suction!
These plates do suction to the Tripp Trapp however not as well as they suction to smooth surfaces. The nature of suction cups is that they suction best on smooth clean surfaces!
As much as we would like our plates to work like super glue some clever babies will be able to unstick them, however rest assured as far as suction goes these are the best we have ever seen!