Product Details
Our Starting Solids purposefully designed meal planner is finally here!
If you have been following us here at Starting Solids Australia for some time you would know we are big fans of promoting a one meal for one family approach where babies are offered family meals or some form of deconstructed family meal from the very beginning! This specially designed planner gives you space to really consider your little ones needs when planning.
Each day has a space to plan breakfast, lunch and dinner and below each of those (in the little pink box) you have a space to account for any special considerations needed for baby. i.e if you were planning poached eggs on toast for family breakfast in the space below you would write “scrambled for baby”. If you were planning beef stew and your little one was only 6 months old you could write “cut longer batons of vegetables” and so on. This helps you think about family meals and plan how you ca offer the same foods to baby.
At the bottom of the planner you have a section to write some snacks. We find the easiest way to do snacks is to plan a few foods to have on hand for the week and not overthink or overplan big elaborate snacks. You also have a section to write allergens to offer and new foods you want to offer. This is where we recommend starting your meal planning, pick the new foods and the allergens and then build your family meals around those!
This planner is a magnetic white board version slightly bigger than an A4 size (because nobody wants it to take up the whole fridge).