Interview with the ABC's Babytalk

We were recently interviewed by Penny Johnston from the ABC's Babytalk program. Penny very kindly visited us to do the interview, and we had a great chat on Catherine's couch! You can hardly tell there was some toddler-wrangling going on in the background!

Penny contacted us to discuss cloth nappies after talking with Ingrid Just from CHOICE Magazine following their most recent survey on nappies and the options that are available today. [Listen to the "Nappies: Why are we still stuck on disposables?" interview with Ingrid.]

You'll find the podcast of our interview with Penny here: "Could you do cloth?". Just click on the Audio play button underneath the very cute cloth bummed baby. It's kind of cringeworthy hearing yourself talk, but hopefully it provides a bit more info for parents considering cloth.

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