We're continuing our toilet training/learning week here at Darlings Downunder. The fabulous Super Undies trainers are still at 20% off, and today's special is 15% off Brolly Sheets!
Brolly Sheets are a fantastic product to help make nights a little easier on you and your bedwetter. They are 100% cotton top mattress protectors, made with waterproof, yet breathable PUL backing which is soft & quiet. There's no PVC, and they can be tumble dried.
Here's a bit about how Brolly Sheets came about from the mum behind the business herself.
"My name is Diane Hurford and I came up with the idea of a Brolly Sheet when daughter Mia was sleeping in a bottom bunk bed and starting night time toilet training. Every time there was a little 'accident', I had to get Mia up so I could strip and remake the whole bed. Most nights I would hit my head on the top bunk!! (OK - we aren’t all as co-coordinated in the middle of the night as we would like to be!). I don’t know about you but the sooner I can get back to sleep, the more reasonable I am the next day.
"I couldn't find anything on the market that made it easier for me to get the household back to bed as soon as possible (with minimal bruising) the few options available were either too expensive, too complicated for a 2:00 am bed-change or looked too sterile.
"They say that necessity is the mother of all inventions and so I created a waterproof mattress protector that my children could comfortably sleep on. When Mia (and then Lewis) had an accident it was quick to pull off and replace with another, seconds rather than minutes, and at 2:00am that makes a huge difference! Gone were the days of completely stripping and remaking the whole bed, gone were the bruises from the top bunk! An added bonus occurred when the kids got a tummy bug – I could put one over their pillow or on the couch where they would be "recovering” in front of the telly.

"I had just started making Brolly Sheets for friends and family when my husband got offered a job in Sydney. So we packed the family up and moved to Sydney for 20 months. A friend said "why not start it up in Australia” and so I did. With the help of a good friend from my London days, I set up Brolly Sheets and now there are several thousand Brolly Sheets on Australian beds.
"Once the Australian market was up and running, hubby got offered a job back in New Zealand and so the family moved back to Auckland. It was time to ”launch” Brolly Sheets on the New Zealand market.
"Because it was designed by me - a Mum, I made sure that Brolly Sheets came in fantastic colours to match a child’s decor and bedding. They are also easy to wash!
"So that is me. A forty something Mum of two. A real person."